What Once Upon a Room Means To Me: Mason Wells

Once Upon a Room opened a door in my life that I didn’t know was there. Volunteering my time for those who are less fortunate has always been a part of my life, but it never was something that I was really passionate about. However, when I started decorating rooms with Siena and Ariana at the Fort Worth chapter, things were different.

For whatever reason, it felt more real, more concrete. Seeing the child’s face, and the parent’s, light up as they walk back into the room brought me a new sense of gratification. You know that you are making a substantial impact on the emotional and mental health of the patient, which encourages them to win the physical battle they experience every day. Waking up in a hospital room day after day is draining, but with the help of OUR, we are able to bring a piece of joy to a dismal situation. 

My favorite, and most memorable experience, was with a young boy named Jameson. His energy and love for life was only amplified by the work we did, and his joy was contagious. His smile and laugh filled the room, and when he saw his new toys and decorations, he was immediately infatuated. Words couldn’t describe the appreciation from his parents, just giving their son a distraction from a lifelong battle with no end in sight. If a child is able to face those odds, day in and day out, with a smile on his face, then there is nothing stopping us from doing the same. His courage is a constant reminder that there are always things to smile about and pushes me to constantly be grateful for all of the blessings in my life.

Siena Dancsecs

Siena Dancsecs is a Co-Founder of Once Upon a Room and currently serves on the Executive Board. She and Josie are best friends, and Co-Founded the Junior Room Crew. They run the Junior Room Crew Board together, where Siena serves as President.


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