Activity Hour at Cook’s Children

Once Upon a Room was lucky enough to be a part of Activity Hour in the Atrium at Cook Children’s. The magic happened thanks to the amazing volunteers from various TCU fraternities who lent their time and energy to brighten the day for the children at the hospital.

These volunteers didn't just show up; they brought an infectious energy and a genuine desire to make a difference. They jumped into activities, from science experiments to art projects, with enthusiasm and warmth, ensuring every child felt included and valued. Some of the boys even helped a group of patients make bath bombs and lip balm to take up to their rooms. Despite the boys diverse backgrounds, they came together as a cohesive team, spreading joy and making memories that will last a lifetime.

To these fraternity volunteers, Once Upon a Room extends my heartfelt gratitude for their kindness and dedication. Their selfless service embodies the true spirit of community and compassion.


What Once Upon a Room Means To Me: Mason Wells


3…2…1… BLAST OFF!